Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Adey Abeba is part of Woodward Ethiopia, a licensed Ethiopian NGO* with Ethiopian Board Members which started 15 years ago and receives funding from donations to Friends of Woodward Ethiopia a 501 3(c), US registered non-profit. The programs provided by Woodward Ethiopia benefit the local community of Gulele Sub-City in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and help provide essential services to almost 2,000 At-Risk and Vulnerable girls. At-Risk and Vulnerable girls face threatening challenges based on exploitation. Woodward Ethiopia creates pathways and empowers At-Risk girls to become self-reliant. Some of the benefits provided through our programs include: education, life skills, hygiene, nutrition, therapy, recreation, and sports.
*Licensed through the Charities and Societies Agency in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The Adey Abeba flower is indigenous to Ethiopia and blooms in September during the start of the Ethiopian New Year. In Ethiopia, the yellow color of the Adey Adeba flower is a symbol of peace, harmony, and love. The flower itself symbolizes the new beginnings, hope, and choices we strive to give to the girls by investing in their education. 


  • Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia.
  • Addis Ababa means "new flower" in Amharic.
  • The population of Addis Ababa, as of 2017, is close to 4 million.
  • Approximately one-fifth of the population of Ethiopia is urbanized with most people living in scattered rural communities.

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