Monday, December 2, 2013

Destinos: sexy Christmas extravaganza at the Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris

Jeff Leatham & me - shot with my Leica

t's not the first time I write about Jeff Leatham and his incredible work, and this time I must say I have - again - been surprised, and charmed. As I walked into the Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris for the presentation of his holiday creations, I realized that this man has the power to make even Christmas sexy...

In the lobby that night, not even the busy atmosphere could take my eyes away from not one, but two gigantic "Sexy Golden Reindeers". No other words could describe them, as you can see from my pictures!

Impressive: the Sexy Golden Reindeers - shot with my Leica

And a cute golden Chritsmas tree - shot with my Leica

More Sexy Golden Reindeers - shot with my Leica

Reindeers and golden balls - shot with my Leica 

A panoramic view of the lobby - shot with my Leica

The concierge desk - shot with my Leica

The interior patio also gets surprisingly sexy with a magical, almost enchanted forest surrounding the ultimate "Sexy Electric Chic" Christmas tree. A Christmas tree made of light bulbs... Only Jeff Leatham! 

Jeff Leatham's vision of a Sexy Electric Chic Christmas tree - shot with my Leica 

Sexy Electric Chic Christmas tree - shot with my Leica 

Sexy Electric Chic Christmas tree - shot with my Leica

All I can do is recommend all the people lucky to be in Paris during the festive season to pop in and admire this Christmas extravaganza... For breakfast, tea, drinks at the bar or a meal at Le Cinq, the hotel's Michelin starred restaurant, there is always a good reason to visit the Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris.

The Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris
31, avenue George V, 75008 Paris, France
Tel. +33 (1) 49 52 70 00

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